Positive outcome in your life with affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to make yourself feel empowered and allowing change to happen in your life. Especially if you start your day off saying these out loud to yourself (highly recommended). They set the tone for the rest of your day/week/month to come. Why you might ask, well remember: 

🔸What you think – YOU BECOME!
🔸How you feel – YOU ATTRACT!
🔸What you imagine – YOU CREATE!

Transform your mindset to become everything you want to create, and then match the frequency that your dreams are at, so that through the right feeling and vibration you can attract what you dream of and deserve.

I have shared a few statements already and I will continuously share more for your inspiration. If you want to create your own, here’s a little guide:

🔸Making sure your affirmations are POSITIVE is the first P
🔸Personal (I, Me statements)
🔸Present (as if it’s already happening, not future)
🔸Passion (put emotion into it) 

Only the sky is the limit for what you can and can’t use as your statements. Be as creative as you wish and have fun with them.

I am a firm believer in affirmations and they have been key in my journey towards personal successes. 

It is not a secret that they are and always will be a part of my coaching, as the last step in goal setting and taking action.

If you feel that it is time for you to bring positive change to your life, don’t hesitate to get in touch and I can give you more details about my 1:1 coaching.

X Bertille

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